So today I want to focus on an awesome resource I have recently started using. Now, I'm new to the world of social media… blogging, the plethora of social networking sites, and the new-ish trend of social bookmarking are all Greek to me.
Facebook is the one thing I mastered… Who would have guessed?
Anyway the last of these, Social Bookmarking is what I want to talk about today. Because this blog is dedicated to the homosexual community and current trends within it, I am always looking for articles and news stories that interest me. So social bookmarking is actually helpful.
I was just introduced to Diigo and it's an amazing resource… even if I don't understand it.
My searches are easier, the articles are more diverse, and you can find people that are interested in similar issues. While searching I found a few people that were tagging a bunch of sites on the Mormon community and some of them dealt with their stance on gay people and their reputation in the media.
One person, Aimee R, pays particular attention to Mormons and (given my Mormon background) I found these articles fascinating with some of her tags mention homosexuality. They can definitely be applied in a discussion about the Mormon community and their reputation on this issue. So as I continue my exploration of this complicated relationship between the Mormon Church and their gays members, I will definitely be using this site. And hopefully my social bookmarking soulmate can help me out… too bad she hasn't posted in two years :(
Point is… technology (whether I understand it or not) has allowed us all to participate and observe the public discourse on topics from who was wearing what at the Oscars to the upcoming election and the Presidential Debates.
I will continue looking for articles and when I find interesting ones I will point them out to you all and you can do the same! Together we can keep the conversation going and continue to expand and add to it. I have a feeling we have a long way to go before equality is reached, therefore the articles and news stories will keep on coming. I look forward to the day when this is old news and two boyfriends can have a date without people staring… It's weird! (Not to mention completely kills the mood).
I always like to leave with something interesting, so today I'll leave you with this message:
We need to redefine normal so that people who don't fit in aren't left behind. By changing the norm more people will be included and won't feel so isolated in their own experience. If starting this blog has taught me anything it's that you can always find a community to participate in, their are always resources to take advantage of. For me it really did get better!
I don't want anyone to be cast out of society (gimme time I may think of a few people), so let's all let each other have a fair shot at life, the way we wanna live to live it, and love the people we choose.
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